Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I feel like yesterday was a success for me.

I'm working towards a challenge from K-Love radio called "No mumbling, No grumbling". I can look at yesterday in 2 ways. One way would be as a failure. I did mumble and grumble a bit. Or I can look at it as a success. Despite the mumbling and grumbling I did slip out, I managed to pay a lot more attention to what I was thinking and what I was saying. This helped me to not mumble and grumble near as much as I normally would've. Personally, I'd rather view it in that light. It makes it much more likely for me to reach the ultimate goal of spending more time in prayer and focused on being positive than on whether or not I'm going to fail.

I had a good sized to do list yesterday as well. For me, it meant taking a few risks. Risks that seem pretty silly to think of as risks, but for me it meant trusting. I'm not good at trusting. I managed to successfully achieve my goals for the day, though. I sent some artwork to a friend (I actually did that this morning) in hopes that she can use them in her shop (check out Ki Cross on facebook or myspace.) once she opens it up in August. I'm not a great artist. I've hardly taken art classes. I mainly doodle. However, I took a chance and sent her some of my work. Whether or not she likes it, and can use it, is still to be determined. The point is, I stepped out and did it. I did something that put me at risk of being criticized. I don't like criticism. I deal with too much negative non-constructive critcisim. Not only did I send my artwork to her, but I also opened up my Etsy shop again. Right now I'm putting jewelry I've made on there. Last time I tried to sell something on Etsy my items were removed for violating a patent. Although I saw PLENTY of other items similar to mine on there. That should've been clue enough for me NOT to try those. However, so far I haven't found much jewelry on there like the stuff I make. I was inspired by the things I used to make with notebook wire in high school. Hopefully at least one of these ventures will help me start bringing in an income, but even if they don't, at least I stepped out and I tried. You can check out my etsy shop by going to:

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