Sunday, March 28, 2010

The urge to purge, rearrange, and reorganize

That's what I have. Yet there isn't a whole lot I can do with the space we have. If our "guest room" was available I'd be able to easily set things up the way I need to, but we're letting family stay there for a while. I need space to practice massage and don't really feel I have it.

I also have a strong urge to sew. I have lots of things I want to make, but at this time I don't have a serger and the stuff I want to make needs to be serged if I really want it to last.

I have this strong energy of productivity within, but feel like I can't use it on the things it's thriving to be used for. If that makes any sense. I have plenty of stuff I could use it on. It's just not what is calling to me. That doesn't mean I'm not working on those other things, of course. I just feel artistically stifled.

Somedays I feel so artistically suffocated I think I could explode. I have a great life, but there is more to me than I've been and it frustrates me because I don't know how to express the other parts of me.

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