Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bible Study Part 7

Psalms 25 - I thought this was a beautiful prayer.

Psalm 26 - I want to get to the point that, I too, can say those things about my self and my walk with the Lord.

Proverbs 25 - Be honest and tactful. Be aware and careful of what you say and do. Be trustworthy. Be kind and generous. Take what you need, but don't take on excess.

Proverbs 26 - Choose your friends wisely. Don't hang out with fools, self righteous people, know it alls, etc.
They will just bring you down.

Psalm 27 - What an amazing feeling of knowing that we are safe in the house of the Lord. That with God we are lifted above those who do us evil. To be in the beauty of the Lord's presence. How wonderful!

Psalm 28 - The beginning made me think he was repenting for something. And that he was saying "I'm not like these men who do things and feel no remorse. Please forgive me!" And the end is him praising God for mercy, for forgiveness. I think it's a good reminder that God does listen. That when we realize mistakes we've made and do feel sorry for them, He DOES forgive us.

Psalm 29 - Praise God. Listen to Him, He is speaking, possibly in ways we may not realize. He blesses us and in Him we find peace.

Psalm 30.
vs 5 How much does God sound like us parents? We may be disappointed but it will pass. We may make you cry but it will pass. My dad tells me this ALL the time. That even if I'm afraid of disappointing him, I should still be able to tell him things, because he won't be disappointed forever, and he is still going to love me no matter what. I tell my kids the same thing.
vs 7 We need God so much. He is our strength. Our stability. He is our foundation, our ground. Without him we WILL fall.
This is just a great praise to God. Thanking him for even the simplest of things He does for David.

Proverbs 27 - vs1 Tomorrow is no guarantee.
vs 5 and 6 How much I need to work on that. Being able to speak what needs to be said instead of hiding my love for others through my silence. A real friend will understand and allow wounds to heal, knowing I didn't mean to hurt them, if I did.
vs 10 -  How important it is to get to know the ones around you and really build community. Having people to lean on and a support network you can count on.
vs 17 definition of "soul mate." This is what marriage is partially about. Having someone to connect with who will sharpen you and allow you to sharpen them. Together you grow and become stronger and more capable. Working together to bring out the best in each other.
vs 23-26 I took as a metaphor even though it isn't. It made me think of parenting. I'm going to school right now and it's become a struggle. I don't enjoy clinic like I thought I would. I don't know why. Ok I know part of it is that it is boring. I like massage. I believe in the benefits. I like to help others feel better in their bodies. But I would much rather get one than give one. I know this isn't something I want to do long term. I'm just not THAT passionate about it. However, I will not give up, though I want to. I will continue on. There are many reasons why I chose this route and I'm so close to the finish line (I must keep telling myself this) that it'd be stupid not to finish. To finally be able to say "Look what I did!" Not that I can't. I'm rambling. Anyway I HATE being away from my kids. I don't want to work. Yes the extra money, money that *I'm* making and *I* have control over, would be terrific. But not worth the time away from my kids. We need to know our kids. What is going on with them and in their lives. We need to be a big part of their lives and to be a BIG influence in them. Money isn't more important. Fame is nothing. When we invest in our kids and focus on them, we will be richly blessed. And hey, when we're old they'll want to take us in and take care of us! hahaha

Proverbs 28 - Priorities. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coHKdhAZ9hU

Proverbs 29 - vs 1 There is no hope for those who refuse to listen and to learn.

vs 4 greedy politicians...

vs 17 we need to teach our kids and when they are grown we will know that what they've been taught is good. Gosh... Ok I'm not even going there. *sigh*

vs 19 that's true for children too!!!

vs 21 is too. Don't spoil your kids, they'll grow up to be selfish brats!

vs 27 My goodness. How true is this in our world today!

Proverbs 30 - I want to be that hungry to know the Lord. To only ask for what we need and not worry about having excess, that would be a relief!

vs 11 - 15 this is what we risk when we don't make discipline a priority.

vs 33 be mindful of your words. I've been working on that one.

Psalm 31 - vs 5 "Into your hands I put my spirit." What a powerful statement.
vs 22 I have had that feeling before. Feeling so far from God, but even when we think we are in the dark, God is still with us.

Proverbs 31 - Oh how I want to be this woman. Not only is she so devoted to God and her family but her husband is respectable
Psalm 32 - vs 1 and 2 Forgiveness. Just like we strive to be like our Lord in other ways we need to strive to be forgiving. Through forgiving others it will help set me free. I know I can be a forgiving person but there are some things I know I haven't forgiven.

this Psalm made me think of this song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_whi9GmAO8&feature=related

especially this part - "And tragedy's a reminder to take off the blinders and wake up
(to live the life)
We're supposed to take up
(moving forward)
With all our heads up
Cuz life is worth living" 
taking off the blinders. Horses and mules have blinders put on them so they won't go where their owners don't want them to. Like in horse racing. You want them to go the course so blinders are put on them so they don't stray. They aren't given much of a choice. God gives a choice. He doesn't want us to go to him blindly.

I'm an associater. I tend to associate things with other things and I love music so I might post lots of songs in time... haha

Psalm 33 - vs 2 and 3 See even God is telling me to learn to play the guitar and sing... hahahaha j/k

God's love is so amazing. His forgiveness is so powerful.

Bible Study Part 6

Psalm 22 - vs1-15 I prayed something similar to that this weekend and I have felt similar to vs14-15

vs16-20 makes me think of the crucifixion of Jesus.

In spite of these things, David still turns to God, leans on Him, and praises Him! I really need to work on being more like that.

Proverbs 22 - vs6 I honestly hate the way I was trained. I try to do better, but I still fall to those same things my parents did. I try to educate myself, but I still make the same mistakes they made. I look at my kids and I think "Of course things are this way, because you didn't do it right. You did the same things you always said you wouldn't." and that's true I have. I hate it. I don't always fall to those things. Sometimes I do a fantastic job with my kids, just like sometimes my parents did fantastic with me. I feel like I can do tons of great things but if I screw up big with my kids once, it's almost like the rest is erased. I can see the change it brings in them. When I've spanked them. When I've yelled at them. It breaks my heart sometimes. I know I shouldn't beat myself up, they do need to be disciplined, but I feel more like I just punish them than I actually teach them. Although, I know I'm teaching them. Just like my parents taught me. And I pray to God they do better than I have. I know in some ways, I'm doing better than my parents did.

vs15 I need to really sink into my brain. That my kids are still developing and learning and, sometimes, my expectations are too high and I need to work on reaching them on THEIR level and not the level I want them to be on already.

Obviously I need to pray before reading next time. I know I could get more out of these scriptures. One thing I am getting is that it is time for change in my life. Which sounds nuts in a way because there already is a lot of stuff going on in my life and there have already been a lot of changes lately. But I need spiritual change in my heart. The most important thing in my life to me is my kids. I know I'm a good mom. People tell me that all the time. But when I get angry with them and yell at them, spank them, have them "running away", it makes me feel like a massive, steaming pile of poo. And it's a feeling that isn't leaving. I'm tired of it. I'm sick of seeing my kids feeling sad and looking half empty. I know it isn't all me, but I know I could be doing things differently. I could be doing things better. Right now, I don't even want to be in massage school. I haven't had any interest in studying, though I've made myself. I'm interested and excited in class, but I do not look forward to doing clinic. I hate being away from the kids especially my baby and feel really guilty about it, because I don't feel as connected to him as I want to. I miss my baby. And I only have class twice a week, although I'm basically gone all day one of those days and though he handles it pretty well, it is taking a toll on me. I'm so ready for school to be done. Why did I go again? J/k I remember why I chose to go. And I know why I'm choosing to be back right now. So I will take a deep deep deep breath and I will find something good in all this hot sticky mess and I will praise God for it and let go of all of that and choose to enjoy this day and make at least one good memory in it.

God, thank you that, even when I'm feeling like a puddle of toxic waste, you still love me. You still hold me and lift me up. You still find value in me. Thank you that your love is ready and available for me, waiting for me to just open up and receive it. Thank you for the opportunities you've opened up in my life, especially the opportunity to bring 4 amazing, beautiful lives into this world. Help me to be the parent they need. To be loving and compassionate. To truly listen when they speak and even more when they don't. You know how much I love them, Lord. Help me to live in a way that would express that love to them as constantly and freely as your love is.

Psalm 23 - vs1 The Lord leads us and He guides us. He cares for us. When we follow Him, He meets our needs.

vs2 When we follow the path God brings us down (or maybe it is up...) He will give us a place to rest and a place to find peace.

vs3 No matter who we've been, how we've been, where we've been God can change us, if we let Him. He can heal us and make us whole again. And what He does in us, through us, and to us, will only glorify Him and shine His love into the world, even more brightly than before.

vs4 As we walk through this world with all the distractions it has, with all the fear and the chaos, as we lean on God's guidance, we learn how to not only survive but to thrive in this world. And if we fall He is there to lift us up, to brush us off, and to encourage and inspire us still.

vs5 no matter what isn't right in our lives, no matter who is coming against us, God will feed our spirits until we are overflowing with His love (and he'll just keep on feeding us :) )

vs6 I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I can't even imagine how amazing that will be, but I look forward to it.

Proverbs 23 - For me the main thing is not to want the things of this world. Choose God and His ways over the ways of society. When we want the things of this world it's never truly satisfying when we get it and it is easily lost. We're easily broken and ruined by earthly ways. But when we want God we are satisfied and taken care of for the Lord is forever.

Psalm 24 - The first half makes me think of how God gave us charge over all the Earth. It is our job to take care of it. Sometimes I seriously think I want to take my family and go and live in community with the Earth and not in our modern over stimulated, time lacking society. I want to go and tend to the Earth and the animals of the Earth in communion with God and my family like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
The rest makes me think about how MIGHTY God is and how I need to just let everything fall into His hands.

Proverbs 24 - I can't really focus on it right now, because I'm a little distracted but in a way some of it is just confirmation to me of something I was thinking of. It is our job as parents, to act as a team in becoming educated about what our kids' opportunities are and what ones are best for them and for our family and not just going with whatever the herd is doing. Being wise and making educated choices! If you can put tons of research and time and effort into buying, owning, and maintaining a car or computer or even a tv, should you not put at least that much into your kids?

Bible Study Part 5

Psalm 20 - It is important to pray for others, including our leaders.

Proverbs 20 - vs 6 and 7 make me think of the importance of fathers in the lives of their children. A father who is faithful to the Lord and is a good spiritual leader, will be able to guide his children towards a blessed life.

vs9 too often I look at others and judge them. The hardly dressed chick walking around wal mart with her mullet clad clan. Dirty and unable to speak real English, so it would seem. Her husband wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves torn off. Yeah, I look down on them. But should I? No. What makes me so much better than them? I have my own sins, my own head shake enducing life choices.

vs11 All the more reason to be educating our children in God's word and ways. To be raising them with faith, love, compassion, forgiveness, etc.

vs18 make educated decisions!

vs24 almost makes me think of just letting go and enjoying the ride. Not worrying so much about the why and the how and just enjoying the fact that things are what they are and that there is a reason they are that way. Not to say you can't strive to change things that aren't working for you, just to stress less about what might or might not be. Does that make any sense?

v27 God knows us more intimately than even we could ever know ourselves. He knows everything about us both inside and out. He cares for us and loves us THAT MUCH!

Psalm 21 - Sing praise to the Lord and exalt him, for he is greater than our enemies. He is more powerful than His enemies. He will prevail and in Him is victory.

Proverbs 21 - vs1 we should be like the king mentioned. Giving our hearts to God and allowing Him to direct us. I often pray that God would help me to be a woman after His own heart.

vs3 Instead of "sacrificing" through letting go of things we need to turn to God and ask him what the right thing for us, to do, is. And He'll show us. If we just go through the motions of something, but it isn't what God is asking of us or wanting from us, it is meaningless.

vs5 success is made by those who are willing to work for it. Who don't just dream it will happen and then wait for it to happen, but who will put into action the steps to make it happen. That's a biggie for me, because I tend to be a dreamer, though I've gotten better.

vs9 is something I try really hard to pay attention to. Communication is extremely important and how you do it is just as important.

vs17 isn't saying you can't have good times or nice things, but not to let those things consume you. Set priorities and don't over spend. Stop "keeping up with the Jones".

vs19 again how we communicate is important.

vs30 our God can not be defeated. He is the most High. The almighty. He is our wonderful, Lord of all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bible Study Part 4

Psalm 15 - I basically got that this is a short outline of how we should strive to be.

Proverbs 15 - Choose your words with thoughtfulness and take the time to truly listen and think over what you hear. Be content with what you have, not to the point that you become stagnant, but to the point where you are not envious of what you don't have. Be willing to live righteously even if it means not living as you thought you wanted to.

Psalm 16 - I took this as a reminder that in God we find peace and joy. He is with us even in the middle of the night when we're laying in bed, afraid to move, with a little boy snuggled on either side of you and a grown man taking up the bottom half of the bed (as well as most of the covers.)

Proverbs 16 - v1 reminds me that God knows our hearts and what is in our hearts will eventually come out of our mouths or at least be shown in our actions. It also reminds me that if we listen well enough we will hear God speaking to us with love and guidance.
The verses about the king and speaking with wisdom, made me think of Joseph. The one with the coat of many colors who interpreted dreams. It was because he spoke with wisdom, that he was pardoned by the king. It was because he spoke the truth that the king gave him such a high ranking. The king knew he could trust Joseph. We can't be afraid to speak in wisdom and truth, because of what others might think or how they might react. Goes back to me needing to learn to find AND use my voice.

psalm 17 - God fills us so we are not empty. He protects us and defends us. He hears us when we cry out to him, whether to pray or to praise.

proverbs 17 - vs 1 makes me think of family get togethers. The movies exploit it. You get together with the relatives for Thanksgiving and it's a disaster. You may even be able to warn others, that might be stopping by, about the annual "disagreements" between the same people. We haven't shared a holiday with family, really, since my mom came for Christmas after Anthony's birth. I have to say as much as I enjoy family and big family get togethers, I have learned that I like to have Christmas with just us. At least Christmas morning.

vs 5.. We can be so bad about that one. Think of the comedies we watch! What do we laugh at? Other people's downfalls. We laugh at the guy who tripped and fell into the pool. We laugh at the girl who runs into a window. When you think about it, it's pretty mean to laugh at. But it's just a movie, right? No. We're desensitizing ourselves in a way.

I just like vs 6.

vs 10 you can beat your kids or you can teach your kids. That's what struck me with that. I've done both.

vs 14 We need to pick our battles. Decide what is worth the flood of emotions and the consequences good or bad of our fight.

vs 17 "a brother is born for adversity" to me that sounds like through our siblings God gives us the opportunity to learn. Learning to love our enemies. Learning to accept those who are different than us. Learning to discover and understand others and have compassion for them. It's our jobs as parents to facilitate that growth and learning in our children.

vs 22 joy is medicine. Love is medicine. Good things that make us laugh are medicine. It encourages health in our bodies. That is why children in orphanages who are loved on have a greater chance of survival than those who are ignored aside from feedings and diaper changes. That is why nursing home patients who are frequently visited seem to do much better than those who are never visited.

Psalm 18 - I need to praise God when I feel weighed down, attacked, alone, etc. He will lift me up, give me strength and support, he will comfort me and bring me confidence. He will defend and protect me against my enemies and bring me to safety in peace.

Proverbs 18 - vs 2 I felt like such a fool due to putting my foot in my mouth. Sometimes I say things without thinking about how it might hurt someone else.

This proverb mostly reminds me that though I still have a lot of growing to do, there are areas I've already grown in some.

Psalm 19 - There are signs of God's existence, power, and love all around us. Meditation is good if we are meditating on the right things.

Proverbs 19 - vs 21 we can plan all we want but it is God's plan that matters most. It is His plan we should be following.
Our choices make the differences in our lives. Sometimes other people's choices affect us as well, but we can only really control our own. And we need to. We need to hold ourselves accountable when making choices, that we might make the best ones we can.

Bible Study Part 3

Psalm 11 - v1&3 reminds me of how we ask God WHY does He let bad things happen to good people. How can He sit back and do nothing to stop it?
v4-7 is like a reminder that God sees what is going on and He will serve justice. Our enemies will be punished.

Reading the part about how He sits on His throne and watches us just makes God seem so far away and really in old testament times it does seem like He didn't really tap into mankind much. Even the people who followed Moses questioned God. He gave them signs, and spoke through Moses, but people doubted. Then when Jesus died and the veil was torn and all were accepted into the arms of the Lord, it's like He finally received His children in a way. Maybe because He gained a new perspective of His creation? I mean when Jesus came He came because He loves us. So I'm a little confused at how God wasn't as loving in the old testament if Jesus came to show us how God felt towards us and what He expected from us. Does that make sense?

Proverbs 11 - I think it shows examples of how to be and how not to be. Don't be a liar, don't be greedy, don't be self-centered and selfish, don't lean on yourself or the things of this world. Be generous, be compassionate and caring, be honest, and trust in God.

psalm 12 - God will deal with those who speak against us wrongly. In turn we are to work towards speaking purely as well. It also makes me think of fake people really. Those who say "Hey let's get together. You name a time and place, and I'll make it happen!" but then they don't. Or they say "You look fantastic in that!" but really you look ridiculous. Not just those who say negative stuff about you.

proverbs 12 - I think these are things to look for in ourselves and in those we choose to connect with to see where we are in our spiritual growth and whether the people in our lives are good to have in our lives. Do they strengthen or weaken our relationship with the Lord. Are we growing in the Lord or sinking away from him.

Psalm 13 - I believe David dealt with depression. This psalm reflects that, in my opinion. Yet, even in the depth of his depression, he turned to God. It probably wasn't easy, but he sought God for refuge. He trusted in the power of God's love.

Proverbs 13 - There is much to gain in righteousness and much to lose in ungodliness. Be open and willing to learn, to grow. Be patient and work hard. Surround yourself with others who are reaching towards God as well, because the people we surround ourselves with have a strong influence on us. In all that we, as parents do, we must walk with discipline as an example for our children.

Psalm 14 - When we do things without making God a part of our decision making, things happen that maybe weren't meant to happen. Like driving drunk and killing someone. It's a foolish choice, and yet it happens all the time. It's not what God wants to have happen, but He gave people free will, so things don't always work out according to His plan. However, being God, He finds ways to take the bad and make them work for His glory anyway.

Proverbs 14 - v1 rings loud and clear for me, because honestly I'm pretty foolish. I've been going to counseling trying to find some sanity lately, because I seriously thought I was on the brink of a mental breakdown. Between that and some of the things my teachers have said and studying the bible with my friends, I've come to a pretty blunt realization. I'm narcissistic and selfish and self centered. Not in everything of course. But as much blame as I take on myself, it's not because things are my fault or I'm trying to be a victim or anything, it's simply because I take things too personally and act like the world revolves around me, even though I KNOW it doesn't. At the same time there is plenty I don't take responsibility for, because, I guess, the idea that I can change and be different is so hard to believe that I don't want to see who I've been much. On top of all that I've realized that I get so focused on what is wrong, what isn't working, what isn't healthy, and the things that I'm afraid of that I haven't been paying enough attention to what is good, what is working, what is healthy, and that I shouldn't be afraid. That I can live today as though yesterday and tomorrow don't exist and I can enjoy it! That's a hard "pill" to swallow.

So the proverbs really give great examples of why living without God is a foolish thing. It doesn't make sense. You have his wrath that will come upon you in due time. You have death in every way. You have a lack of joy and even happiness, contentment, satisfaction. You're empty and often times lonely. You're always wanting and feeling like nothing is good enough. You have no one to trust or feel safe with. No place you truly feel safe. And the list goes on and on. These are the things people are constantly trying to figure out how to correct in their lives and yet they skip away from the one thing that can correct it all. God. Even I do that in some areas of my life... Thankfully God is opening my eyes to those things.

Bible Study Part 2

Psalm 7 - We need to pay more attention to the choices we are making, holding ourselves more accountable for them. In this Psalm, David is willing to receive what is due to him. If he has done wrong he will accept responsibility for it, not deny it, blame it on someone else, or run away from the consequences.

Psalm 8 - God is holy, amazing, and wonderful. Yet, he loves us. He calls us. He made us lower than the angels, but, with Him, we are lifted up.

Proverbs 7 - We need to train up our sons in the Lord. We need to teach them to respect and value women, and themselves. To respect and value sex. We need to be praying for them to be wise and to be led by God, more than by hormones. It is true about our daughters as well.

Proverbs 8 - Life and learning go hand in hand. Continuing to grow and learn, even if it means going the road less traveled, will bring better understanding and connection to God. We will be better for it.

Psalm 9 - When we give ourselves over to the Lord he takes care of us and all our needs. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in this lifetime will he deliver justice to those who wrong us, but he will serve it to them when it is time. We have so much to praise and thank him for. So much to give glory and honor to him for. And, on a side note, I finally realized, possibly, why they call the one chick in Dogma, the last Zion. v 14 "that I may declare your praises in the gates of the Daughter of Zion..." Is that wrong of me, to think of that?

Proverbs 9 - My first thought was, that I need to stop wasting my breath trying to share the wisdom I've gained, with people I know in my heart, aren't really listening.
My second thought - This is a good way to learn to test ourselves on whether we are being wise or not. It's also a good way to learn whether someone else is sharing true wisdom with us or not.
Our lack of wisdom will keep us hidden in the dark, doing things that are hurting us, whether we believe they are or not. Over eating/under eating, taking what isn't ours, or something else.

Psalm 10 - This Psalm reminds me of a lot of the atheists I've come across. Their proud and boastful. They tear down those who they believe are weaker than them, or at least attempt to. Not that ALL atheists are like that, they aren't, just a lot of the ones I've come across. Humans are temporary.

Proverbs 10 - there is no true gain, no true success, no true value in a life without God. In God we are truly rich and blessed.

Bible Study part 1

These are things that I took from the verses I read. What I felt they were saying. After all that is what studying the bible, or anything else, is about. Taking in information and forming your own opinion of what it is saying.

Psalm 1 - If we give ourselves, our gifts, our talents for the Lord's glory, He will bless us and all that we do.

Psalm 2:1&2 sounds like the current state of our country, to me.
v10&11 is what our country should be doing. What we, as individuals, should be doing.

Psalm 3 is a reminder that even when it seems the whole world is against us, we need to look past the flesh and into the Spirit, leaning on and trusting the Lord to take care of us and our situation.

Psalm 4 it is time to remove the idols in our lives that separate us from the Lord's peace and joy.

Psalm 5 does the Lord truly hate and abhor people or does he feel that way towards the actions we make? What makes a man righteous? What makes a man lovable by the Lord, if we're all sinners and the Lord hates those who sin/do evil things?

Psalm 6 Living for the Lord doesn't mean you won't suffer things. Instead we must take the opportunity, through our suffering, to grow and draw closer to the Lord.

Proverbs 1 we must teach our children well, equipping them with a firm foundation for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to grow.
v10-19 seems to be saying that we need to look beyond the glamor, the excitement, etc... to what lies underneath it. Look at what negative things it takes to be a part of or partake of that stuff. And for what? We need to look at the big picture.
v20-33 the truth and common sense are before us. We can choose to see it, heed it, and grow it within ourselves or to continue on without it. In the end we will deal with the consequences of our choices, good or bad. It's like a person who chooses to smoke, despite all the evidence of why you shouldn't. They choose to ignore the facts and be ignorant, but in time they end up with diseases and die.

Proverbs 2 We must constantly be growing, learning, and leaning on the Lord. Sin will only lead us to our demise. Temptation is strong and finds many ways to snare us, if we are not focused on the Lord.

Ch 3 Life without the Lord is worthless. Things, places, people are nothing without the Lord. We must set our eyes on Him, trusting that we are in His care when we give ourselves completely over to Him.
v19-20 He took great care in creating the Earth, our current home. He takes just as much care to mold and make us spiritually, when we are willing. When we sin, we open doors to things ungodly and grow the devastation in our lives and in our homes. When something is not right in ourselves or in our family we should look, first, for sin that might need to be removed, before we look to anything else.

Ch 4 no matter how young they are we are still teaching our children. Learning is essential to life. If we are to know the Lord, we must learn of Him. If we are to live as He has asked, we must learn how. If we are to share the Lord's love with others we must learn what it is and how it works. Let your mouth only speak good.

Ch 5 sin can come in a very desirable package. As appealing as it is, when you get past the glitz and glam it is a nightmare. Be satisfied with your blessings. Do not crave or desire what doesn't belong to you. There is a reason that it is not yours. Instead pay attention to what is yours and be thankful for it.

Ch 6 be honest and humble. Be willing to work and put forth an effort to invest in your life. It is crucial for us to teach our kids, lead our kids, and guide our kids to the straight and narrow path, so that when they are older they might have a better chance at life. We do this best by the examples of our own lives. Evil will try to suck us in but we must resist, for no real good comes from evil.