Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pregnant Ponderings

Today as I spent some quiet time with God and my unborn baby, I thought about how, today I am calculated to be 31 weeks along. That means in 5 weeks my midwives will be comfortable with me birthing at home. It also means that I could easily have 10 weeks left til this baby arrives, considering both my sons were 41 weeks gestated when they decided to arrive Earthside. I'd really like baby not to wait that long, though I know people who've gone longer. At the same time, I'd prefer, for their sake, that they wait a little longer than 5 weeks. As I thought about this I began to think about how little I control all of this. I know with modern technology and mainstream living you can pick the day, even the hour, for your baby to arrive. I on the other hand have decided to go old school with a midwife, a homebirth (my 3rd.), and as few modern "luxuries" as possible. I do not know the day nor the hour in which my baby will be brought forth into my arms. Only God does. Kind of like God is the only one who knows the day, the hour, in which He will send His son to take us up into His arms. So many things point to God, at least for me and I am left amazed. This may seem like a simple, "Duh" kind of thing, but at the same time, I believe God uses simple, "Duh" stuff to remind us of His glory.

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