Thursday, February 11, 2016


 Today, I sent my girls into the local market to grab some rice to go with dinner. To reward themselves, Blessing #2 decided to snag a thing of Mentos. To her dismay, I checked the receipt and saw her purchase. I informed both girls they'd be paying me for their purchase.

After her and Blessing #1 divided the Mentos, I asked to have one. It has been a very long time since I've had one and I wanted to remember how they tasted. As soon as I popped it into my mouth, it dawned on me, "This is sugar, duh!" I spit it out and offered it to my 2 year old, who surprisingly rejected it. (I know, gross, why would I do that? Why waste it...) Blessing #1 said she'd take it, so I dropped it into her open palm. Apparently, she didn't realize it'd been in my mouth, until it hit her skin. Immediately, she demand I take it back. So, I decided to just finish it, instead of wasting it.

As I chewed it, a thought struck me. This was a prime opportunity to teach my girls about the impact of their choices and how they are like dominoes, creating chain reactions. I explained to them how Blessing #2's decision to purchase the Mentos, had led to the temptation for Blessing #1 and I to consume said candies, though both of us are attempting to cut sugar. Sin begets sin. It wasn't Blessing #2's fault that we made the choice we made, to partake of the sugar, just as it was not Eve's fault that Adam indulged in the forbidden fruit. However, when my daughter made available the opportunity for temptation, as Eve did upon offering the fruit to Adam, it opened the door for the rest of us to do something we hadn't intended to do. We my think the little things we do, that we shouldn't, are no big deal and don't really impact anyone else, but the truth is, even the smallest of choices has a ripple effect. Of course, Blessing #2 said she didn't see what I was talking about, and that is ok. Blessing #1 seemed to agree with the point I was making, so it did make at least some sense to someone, other than me.

It is awesome how in my little, "Whoops!", moment, which really seems like no big deal, God was able to grab my attention and share an important message. It goes along with my whole, trying to be more mindful, journey and I'm glad that I was ready to receive it. To me, it is just more evidence of His love and care for me, for us.

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