Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today one of my girls' teams had a pool party. The families were there. As fun as these gatherings are, I also don't like them. I'm painfully shy and unless someone asks me something, I usually don't feel like I have a lot to say. A lot of times, at these things, no one talks to me and I have a really hard time striking up conversations. Today I did get a few things said and a couple people talked to me a little, but I certainly wasn't involved in any getting to know you better conversations. I feel like an outsider. It's awkward and boring. Honestly the only reason I have friends is because people talked to me first and for some reason, found my answers to their questions interesting. It is not awkward, because I don't like people or am snobby, although I know some people think that's what my problem is, but because I just don't know what to say. I've tried to strike up conversations before but almost always they end up with me feeling awkward. It's harder when I'm in a group of people who have A LOT in common with each other, but I really don't seem to. Thankfully my girls aren't as shy as I am. They are great at making friends. I just wish I had an easier time of it.

Hopefully I'm not mumbling or grumbling with that.

I haven't listed anything at my etsy shop, in the past couple of days, but do plan to soon. So far I have no sales, but at least I'm taking a step and a risk by having my items out there. We'll see what happens with that.

I haven't been as stressed the past couple of days as I had been, but I certainly have plenty of it left. I'm ready to just get rid of anything and everything that seems to only take up space. I've told my husband I no longer want to discuss his job hunting as I don't want to get my hopes up that he'll actually try to go somewhere on my list of "want to go there.." I am honestly sick of thinking about what the educational options are for my girls and am leaving that to him to handle since it was his idea, originally, to place them back into an out of home school. All I want to do right now is be prepared for this baby to come and enjoy my family as is. What we are right now, where we are right now, with what we have right now. And not worry at all about tomorrow anymore.

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