Another great day. Perfect day for snuggling with the kids. My house is actually pretty tidy. Unfortunately school wasn't as smooth for my oldest today. She just wasn't in the mood. Other than that, we had a pretty good day today. Although, my son's eye got hurt. Not sure what happened but it was bleeding inside a little. Nothing serious, though. It'll be better within a few days. And dear daughter #2 lost her first tooth while I was at school tonight. A bittersweet thing for me. I haven't even made her tooth fairy pillow. I thought I had more time. It took forever for dd #1's teeth to come out. But dd #2 is a bit more rough and tumble so it really shouldn't surprise me. It came out while she was eating a carrot.
It was my second night of school tonight. It went great! We got our books and schedules and all. We even got our first bit of homework. I have A LOT to read, but I've already started and know I can do it. I'm just praying the Lord helps me to grasp what I'm reading. I have a tendency to have things go in one eye and out the other if it's technical. So far, though, it's peaking my interest, so that is good. Got to know more about my classmates today and some of the staff. It's really cool how easily and quickly we're all connecting to each other. Like a big family.
Today, God kept to the same things. I'm thinking, I have a lot of work to do on seeking, obeying, and praising. But I know the Lord has been with me all day (not that God ever really leaves us.), I just had to keep reminding myself when a bump arose in the days plans to turn and seek instead of getting upset or frustrated. And I'm a lot less stressed because of it. I have, by the way, noticed my blemishes decreasing. Normally they'd be worse, but I've been pretty good at not picking.
Well I need to do some more reading and then, I need to go to bed!!!
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